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Mastering The Greens — Essential Tips For Golf Beginners

Golf has become quite popular in the last four to five years. This is not surprising, considering that the global pandemic has made people turn to sports where social distancing can be practised. According to National Golf Foundation reports, over 500,000 new golfers joined the scene in 2020, which is the biggest increase seen in any sport since 2003.


For beginners, learning golf can be as thrilling as exploring Mega casino sites. Both offer a mix of strategy and excitement, whether you’re perfecting your swing or spinning the reels on your way to a jackpot. 


However, as effective as golf can be for keeping active, it can also be frustrating, especially if you don’t know where to begin. Continue reading to learn about top golf tips every new golfer should know so you can become a better player, gain more confidence, and have more fun.

Take Golf Swing Lessons

New golfers have the upper hand over experienced ones because they haven’t developed bad habits over time. If you want to benefit from this advantage, hire a swing coach from the get-go rather than learning golf on your own. They will help you properly position your hips, feet, and shoulders and work on your pitching and chipping skills.


Golf lessons that focus on fundamentals can drastically impact your success. They can help you create good habits and become a solid golfer right from the start. 

Have a Solid Stance and Master Your Grip

Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent to get the proper stance. If your club is longer, you can widen your stance so you can make a full shoulder turn on your backswing. 


Another thing to focus on is having a good hold on the club. Start with a neutral-to-strong grip, as it will give you more control over the club head and a better chance to provide a powerful swing. Place your left hand below the club and wrap your fingers around it. Then, place the fingers of your right hand on the underside of the grip and fold it over so that the left thumb is comfortably covered by the right palm.

Develop Perfect Posture

Once you have a solid stance, you must develop a good posture. Combined with your distance from the ball, this determines how you swing the club, so it’s essential to get it right. Begin by standing straight and placing the club across your belt line. Push the club back into your hips, slightly flex your knees, have your back flat, and let the arms hang down naturally. A good posture will help you create a perfect swing and prevent possible injuries. 

Check Your Alignment

After taking a good posture, alignment with your target is the next step to work on. Many players make the mistake of not aiming directly at the target. The thing is that your subconscious mind is fully aware of your alignment (even though your conscious mind isn’t), and it will help you make adjustments in your swing to compensate for poor alignment. 


As this can lead to creating bad habits, you must double-check your alignment before you swing. You can try filming yourself to assess your alignment better. Remember, the more directly you are lined up with the target, the better gold shot you will achieve. 

Create Your Pre-Shoot Routine

To establish a consistent set-up and swing, you need to prepare before you play your shot. The pre-shoot routine starts when you zero in  your target, and it can help you stay focused during the round. It’s vital not to hurry and to take swings that resemble the shot you want to make. This can last about 30 seconds, and then you can stand directly behind the ball to fine-tune your aim. Swing the club only when you are ready and comfortable. 

Learn From Your Playing Buddies

Practising golf regularly may improve your game, but sometimes it helps watching more seasoned golfers play. Plus, many of them will be happy to share their insights about course management, attitude, putting, and more. This knowledge is much more valuable than trying to figure everything out on your own.

Practice Makes Perfect

It is common for golfers to believe they must be perfect at each range session before going to the course. In reality, you should spend more time on the course instead of working on your ideal swing on the diving range. So, invite your friends and try having more fun on the golf course so that you can experience more real-life scenarios. Plus, you can learn more about practising and improving your golf performance here.  


Playing golf may look easy, but it definitely isn’t. There are so many components to learn and master, so there is no magic wand that will help you achieve a great score every time you go out onto the course. Some days, you will hit the driver perfectly, while on others, it will even be hard to hit the fairway. Either way, it’s important to remember that everything is a lesson and an opportunity to grow, learn, and become a better golfer.