Rochford Hundred Golf Club in Essex has suffered its second incident of vandalism in the last six months, after two greens on the 18-hole course were dug up with a shovel.

The Southend-based venue was targeted in February this year, when a green was badly damaged with a rake, but this latest incident, which took place on September 18, was far more serious, with vandals digging up almost the entire 5th and 16th greens.
Groundsmen arrived at the club on the morning of the 19th to find both putting surfaces almost completely destroyed. The club is due to host a men’s competition this weekend, and club officials are determined that it will go ahead despite the damage.
Roger Fearn, director of golf operations, said the club is speaking to insurers about the vandalism, which could cost hundreds of pounds to put right. He said: “It isn’t the first time we have had vandalism, but nothing as extreme as this. David Rand, the head groundsman, is devastated, as is his staff. They work exceptionally hard, and it’s a difficult time at the moment because of the lack of water. Thankfully, we have had tremendous support from other clubs, so it certainly brings the golfing community together when something goes wrong like this.”
Long-time member Ivor Finer believes that it those responsible must hold a grudge against the club. He said: “We could weep, it’s horrific. They have gone there with a shovel and a wheelbarrow, so it’s targeted, it isn’t just pure vandalism. This has been done for a reason. It’s heartbreaking. The greenkeeper was close to tears. It’s a great disappointment to every single member. One person on Facebook has already offered a £1,000 reward to find whoever did it.”
Local residents are reported to be concerned about the recent increase in anti-social behaviour in the Rochford area. One, Karen Amber, 50, said: “Rochford is a lovely place to live. I know people who have been born here and lived here all their lives and they say they have never known the level of wanton acts of vandalism that we have been experiencing since last summer.”